Civic Dashboard

Rachel Chernos Lin

Don Valley West

  1. 124 Sandringham Drive - Application to Remove a Tree in a Ravine - Protected Area

    1. Majority required - Adopt Item Motion from Councillor Carroll

      Lost (tie), 3-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - Amend Item Motion from Councillor Pasternak

      Lost (tie), 3-3 (No)

  2. Proclaiming December as Christian Heritage Month

    1. Majority required - MM23.6 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 11-4 (Yes)

  3. Declaring Toronto a Paid-Plasma-Free Zone

    1. Majority required - MM23.1 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 14-5 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM23.1 - Waive referral

      Carried, 22-4 (Yes)

  4. 710 The West Mall - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC23.14 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 18-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC23.14 - Holyday - motion 1

      Carried, 19-2 (Yes)

  5. Housing Action Plan: As-of-Right Zoning for Mid-rise Buildings on Avenues and Updated Rear Transition Performance Standards - Final Report

    1. Majority required - PH16.1 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 18-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH16.1 - Fletcher - motion 2

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - PH16.1 - Bradford - motion 1

      Carried, 14-7 (No)

  6. Temporary Street Closure for Eastbound F.G. Gardiner Expressway and Northbound Don Valley Parkway - 2025 Toronto Triathlon Festival

    1. Majority required - IE17.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 19-2 (Yes)

  7. 49-59 Lawrence Avenue East - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC23.16 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 15-7 (No)

  8. Sidewalks to Skylines: An Action Plan for Toronto’s Economy (2025-2035)

    1. Two-Thirds required - EC16.2 - Burnside - End the debate

      Carried, 15-5 (Yes)

  9. Culture Connects: An Action Plan for Culture in Toronto (2025-2035)

    1. Majority required - EC16.1 - Malik - motion 2

      Carried, 18-2 (No)

    2. Two-Thirds required - EC16.1 - Burnside - End the debate

      Lost, 10-12 (No)

  10. Analyzing the Compensatory Aspects of a Councillor's Office - Councillor James Pasternak, seconded by Councillor Chris Moise

    1. Majority required - MM23.10 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 15-2 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM23.10 - Waive referral

      Carried, 20-5 (Yes)

  11. Appointment of Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services

    1. Majority required - MM23.34 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  12. Toronto Transit Commission Environmental Report for the Conversion of the Scarborough Rapid Transit Right-of-Way, Busway Project - Tara Avenue and Mooregate Avenue Bus Stop

    1. Majority required - MM23.26 - Adopt the item

      Lost, 5-17 (No)

  13. Respecting Local Democracy and Cities

    1. Majority required - CC23.1 - Colle - motion 3

      Carried, 14-11 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC23.1 - Bradford - motion 3

      Lost, 6-18 (No)

    3. Majority required - CC23.1 - Saxe - motion 2

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - CC23.1 - Chow - motion 1 - parts 6 to 8 only

      Carried, 22-3 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - CC23.1 - Chow - motion - parts 1 to 5 only

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

  14. 80 Guestville Avenue - Revoking a Building Permit

    1. Majority required - MM23.32 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  15. Renewal of Below Market Rent Lease Agreement with Toronto Azzurri Soccer Club

    1. Majority required - MM23.20 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

  16. Protecting Tenants from Price-Fixing on Rental Apartments

    1. Majority required - MM23.18 - Adopt the item - part 1 only

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  17. 171 Pendrith Street - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM23.16 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  18. Provincial Overreach and Toronto’s Infrastructure

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM23.14 - Waive referral

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

  19. Providing Safety and Convenience for Midtown Residents: Moving Forward with a Pedestrian Scramble at Yonge and Eglinton

    1. Majority required - MM23.13 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  20. 16 Martindale Road - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM23.12 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  21. Parkside Drive Study Final Report

    1. Majority required - IE17.4 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 19-7 (Yes)

  22. Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods - Beaches-East York Pilot Project - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - PH16.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  23. Building More Missing Middle - Addressing Gaps in Multiplex Permissions

    1. Majority required - PH16.13 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH16.13 - Bradford - motion 1

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

  24. Implementing a Rental Renovation Licence By-law to Address Renovictions

    1. Majority required - PH16.4 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH16.4 - Nunziata - motion 1

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - PH16.4 - Perks - motion 2

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

  25. 3374 Keele Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Request for Direction

    1. Majority required - CC23.19 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

  26. CaféTO Business Improvement Area (BIA) Pilot Programs Update and Toronto Municipal Code Amendments for 2025

    1. Majority required - EX18.7 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX18.7 - Cheng - motion 2

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  27. Reinforcing the Importance of Openness, Fairness and Transparency in City Procurement: An Audit of the Procurement and Implementation of the PayIt Unsolicited Proposal

    1. Majority required - AU6.2 - Perks - motion 2

      Lost (tie), 11-11 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - AU6.2 - Fletcher - motion 1

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  28. Audit of Parks Branch Operations - Phase 1: Improving Oversight of Day-to-Day Maintenance Helps to Ensure City Parks are Beautiful, Clean and Safe

    1. Majority required - AU6.1 - Cheng - motion 1

      Lost, 10-14 (No)

  29. FIFA World Cup 2026 Toronto: Revenue Opportunities to Support Hosting Obligations, Procurement Plan Revisions, and Social Procurement and Community Workforce Development Updates

    1. Majority required - EX18.17 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

  30. Extending Voting Opportunities in City Polls to 16- and 17-Year-Olds

    1. Majority required - DM23.1 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - DM23.1 - End the debate

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

  31. Build More Homes: Expanding Incentives for Purpose Built Rental Housing

    1. Majority required - EX18.2 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  32. Review of the Order Paper

    1. Majority required - RM23.7 - Adopt Order Paper as amended

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  33. Low-Rise Residential Lands in the Toronto and East York District of the City of Toronto, to Zoning By-law 569-2013

    1. Majority required - PH16.2 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  34. Ookwemin Minising and Biidaasige Park: Naming the New Island and Park in the Port Lands

    1. Majority required - EX18.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 19-0 (Absent)

  35. Kingston Road and Columbine Avenue - Traffic Control Signals

    1. Majority required - TE17.53 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)