Civic Dashboard

Parthi Kandavel

Scarborough Southwest

  1. Proclaiming December as Christian Heritage Month

    1. Majority required - MM23.6 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 11-4 (Yes)

  2. Declaring Toronto a Paid-Plasma-Free Zone

    1. Majority required - MM23.1 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 14-5 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM23.1 - Waive referral

      Carried, 22-4 (Yes)

  3. 710 The West Mall - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC23.14 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 18-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC23.14 - Holyday - motion 1

      Carried, 19-2 (No)

  4. Housing Action Plan: As-of-Right Zoning for Mid-rise Buildings on Avenues and Updated Rear Transition Performance Standards - Final Report

    1. Majority required - PH16.1 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 18-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH16.1 - Fletcher - motion 2

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - PH16.1 - Bradford - motion 1

      Carried, 14-7 (Yes)

  5. Temporary Street Closure for Eastbound F.G. Gardiner Expressway and Northbound Don Valley Parkway - 2025 Toronto Triathlon Festival

    1. Majority required - IE17.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 19-2 (Yes)

  6. 49-59 Lawrence Avenue East - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC23.16 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 15-7 (No)

  7. Sidewalks to Skylines: An Action Plan for Toronto’s Economy (2025-2035)

    1. Two-Thirds required - EC16.2 - Burnside - End the debate

      Carried, 15-5 (No)

  8. Culture Connects: An Action Plan for Culture in Toronto (2025-2035)

    1. Majority required - EC16.1 - Malik - motion 2

      Carried, 18-2 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - EC16.1 - Burnside - End the debate

      Lost, 10-12 (No)

  9. Analyzing the Compensatory Aspects of a Councillor's Office - Councillor James Pasternak, seconded by Councillor Chris Moise

    1. Majority required - MM23.10 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 15-2 (No)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM23.10 - Waive referral

      Carried, 20-5 (No)

  10. Appointment of Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services

    1. Majority required - MM23.34 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  11. Toronto Transit Commission Environmental Report for the Conversion of the Scarborough Rapid Transit Right-of-Way, Busway Project - Tara Avenue and Mooregate Avenue Bus Stop

    1. Majority required - MM23.26 - Adopt the item

      Lost, 5-17 (Yes)

  12. Respecting Local Democracy and Cities

    1. Majority required - CC23.1 - Colle - motion 3

      Carried, 14-11 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC23.1 - Bradford - motion 3

      Lost, 6-18 (No)

    3. Majority required - CC23.1 - Saxe - motion 2

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - CC23.1 - Chow - motion 1 - parts 6 to 8 only

      Carried, 22-3 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - CC23.1 - Chow - motion - parts 1 to 5 only

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

  13. 80 Guestville Avenue - Revoking a Building Permit

    1. Majority required - MM23.32 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  14. Renewal of Below Market Rent Lease Agreement with Toronto Azzurri Soccer Club

    1. Majority required - MM23.20 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

  15. Protecting Tenants from Price-Fixing on Rental Apartments

    1. Majority required - MM23.18 - Adopt the item - part 1 only

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  16. 171 Pendrith Street - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM23.16 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  17. Provincial Overreach and Toronto’s Infrastructure

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM23.14 - Waive referral

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

  18. Providing Safety and Convenience for Midtown Residents: Moving Forward with a Pedestrian Scramble at Yonge and Eglinton

    1. Majority required - MM23.13 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  19. 16 Martindale Road - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM23.12 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  20. Parkside Drive Study Final Report

    1. Majority required - IE17.4 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 19-7 (Yes)

  21. Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods - Beaches-East York Pilot Project - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - PH16.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  22. Building More Missing Middle - Addressing Gaps in Multiplex Permissions

    1. Majority required - PH16.13 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH16.13 - Bradford - motion 1

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

  23. Implementing a Rental Renovation Licence By-law to Address Renovictions

    1. Majority required - PH16.4 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH16.4 - Nunziata - motion 1

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - PH16.4 - Perks - motion 2

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

    4. Majority required

      Carried, 7-0 (Yes)

  24. 3374 Keele Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Request for Direction

    1. Majority required - CC23.19 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-1 (Absent)

  25. CaféTO Business Improvement Area (BIA) Pilot Programs Update and Toronto Municipal Code Amendments for 2025

    1. Majority required - EX18.7 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX18.7 - Cheng - motion 2

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  26. Reinforcing the Importance of Openness, Fairness and Transparency in City Procurement: An Audit of the Procurement and Implementation of the PayIt Unsolicited Proposal

    1. Majority required - AU6.2 - Perks - motion 2

      Lost (tie), 11-11 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - AU6.2 - Fletcher - motion 1

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  27. Audit of Parks Branch Operations - Phase 1: Improving Oversight of Day-to-Day Maintenance Helps to Ensure City Parks are Beautiful, Clean and Safe

    1. Majority required - AU6.1 - Cheng - motion 1

      Lost, 10-14 (Yes)

  28. FIFA World Cup 2026 Toronto: Revenue Opportunities to Support Hosting Obligations, Procurement Plan Revisions, and Social Procurement and Community Workforce Development Updates

    1. Majority required - EX18.17 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

  29. Extending Voting Opportunities in City Polls to 16- and 17-Year-Olds

    1. Majority required - DM23.1 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - DM23.1 - End the debate

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

  30. Build More Homes: Expanding Incentives for Purpose Built Rental Housing

    1. Majority required - EX18.2 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  31. Review of the Order Paper

    1. Majority required - RM23.7 - Adopt Order Paper as amended

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  32. Low-Rise Residential Lands in the Toronto and East York District of the City of Toronto, to Zoning By-law 569-2013

    1. Majority required - PH16.2 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  33. Ookwemin Minising and Biidaasige Park: Naming the New Island and Park in the Port Lands

    1. Majority required - EX18.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 19-0 (Yes)

  34. Kingston Road and Columbine Avenue - Traffic Control Signals

    1. Majority required - TE17.53 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  35. Establishing a Permanent Memorial in Scarborough Honouring Grant Faulkner

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 6-0 (Yes)

  36. Request for Federal and Provincial Support in Bail Reform

    1. Majority required - MM22.21 - Balance of the item as amended

      Carried, 17-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM22.21 - Adopt the Item as amended, Part 5 only

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - MM22.21 - Adopt the item as amended, part 1 only

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    4. Two-Thirds required - MM22.21 - Waive referral

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

  37. Trains Not Tunnels - Alternatives to the 401 Tunnel

    1. Majority required - MM22.8 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 18-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM22.8 - McKelvie - motion 1

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

    3. Two-Thirds required - MM22.8 - Waive referral

      Carried, 19-5 (Yes)

  38. Re-Opening and Amending Item 2024.EY15.16 Bloor Street West - St. Clement Catholic School - Speed Limit Amendment

    1. Majority required - MM22.5 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM22.5 - Re-open the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  39. Council Direction on PH14.13 - Allowing Time for a Thorough Review

    1. Majority required - TE16.75 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 17-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - TE16.75 - Bradford - motion 1

      Lost, 3-16 (Yes)

    3. Two-Thirds required - TE16.75 - End the debate

      Carried, 13-6 (No)

  40. 2023-2024 Annual Progress Update Report - HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan and Housing Action Plan (2022-2026)

    1. Majority required - PH15.5 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  41. Solve the Crisis: Support of the Ontario Big City Mayors Call for Action to Address the Growing Mental Health, Addictions and Homelessness Crisis

    1. Majority required - MM22.14 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  42. Protecting Community Health by Advocating for Supervised Consumption Services and Consumption and Treatment Services Sites

    1. Majority required - MM22.9 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 18-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM22.9 - McKelvie - motion 1

      Carried, 18-2 (Yes)

  43. Official Plan Policy Amendments for Infrastructure Projects in Parks and Open Space Areas - Decision Report

    1. Majority required - PH15.1 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 17-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH15.1 - Holyday - Refer the item

      Lost, 2-18 (No)

  44. Fossil Fuel Advocacy Advertising on City Assets

    1. Majority required - IE16.8 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 15-6 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - IE16.8 - Carroll - End the debate

      Carried, 16-4 (Yes)

  45. Approach to Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging to 2030

    1. Majority required - IE16.5 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE16.5 - Holyday - motion 1

      Lost, 6-16 (No)

  46. Redesigning the Vacant Home Tax Program and Supporting Housing Supply

    1. Majority required - EX17.4 - Bradford - motion 3

      Lost, 5-18 (No)

    2. Majority required - EX17.4 - Holyday - motion 2

      Lost, 4-19 (No)

  47. Congestion Management Plan 2023 - 2026 - Fall Update

    1. Majority required - IE16.4 - Holyday - motion 2d

      Lost, 8-16 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE16.4 - Holyday - motion 2c, as amended

      Carried, 17-7 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - IE16.4 - Myers - motion 4

      Carried, 21-3 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - IE16.4 - Holyday - motion 2b

      Lost, 10-14 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - IE16.4 - Holyday - motion 2a

      Carried, 15-8 (No)

  48. Enhancing Capital Infrastructure Program Coordination

    1. Majority required - IE16.2 - Pasternak - motion 1

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  49. Actions on MyToronto Pay Platform (PayIt) Pending Consideration of Auditor General Report

    1. Majority required - MM22.34 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  50. Representation at a Toronto Local Appeal Body hearing for 228 Guildwood Parkway

    1. Majority required - MM22.31 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  51. Municipal Code Amendment - Exemptions for Dwelling Rooms - Councillor Chris Moise, seconded by Councillor Gord Perks

    1. Majority required - MM22.30 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  52. 186 Thirtieth Street - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM22.26 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  53. Requesting Metrolinx to Provide Transparency and Accountability on the Eglinton Crosstown

    1. Majority required - MM22.20 - Adopt the item, part 2 only

      Carried, 20-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM22.20 - Adopt the item, part 1 only

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

    3. Two-Thirds required - MM22.20 - Waive referral

      Carried, 20-3 (Yes)

  54. Extending Voting Opportunities in City Polls to 16- and 17-Year-Olds

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM22.6 - Waive referral

      Carried, 17-7 (Yes)

  55. Ensuring a Complete Community in Don Mills by Having Places to Play, Visit, Work and Study

    1. Majority required - MM22.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  56. 35 Bellevue Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - PH15.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 17-1 (Yes)

  57. Building a Universal Student Food Program in Toronto

    1. Majority required - EX17.1 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX17.1 - Kandavel - motion 2

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EX17.1 - Saxe - motion 1

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  58. Electric Ferries Shoreside Infrastructure Work Plan

    1. Majority required - EX17.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-2 (Yes)

  59. Award of Doc4553928310 to GFL Environmental Inc., for Curbside Collection Services in District 2 for Solid Waste Management Services

    1. Majority required - GG16.12 - Ainslie - motion 1

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

  60. Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport - Runway End Safety Areas

    1. Majority required - EX17.5 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 17-8 (No)

    2. Majority required - EX17.5 - Bradford - motion 4 as amended

      Carried, 14-11 (No)

    3. Majority required - EX17.5 - Malik - motion 5

      Carried, 16-9 (No)

    4. Majority required - EX17.5 - Chow - motion 1b

      Carried, 16-9 (No)

    5. Majority required - EX17.5 - Chow - motion 1a

      Carried, 17-8 (No)

  61. 4195 Dundas Street West and 556, 558, 560, 562 and 564 Prince Edward Drive North - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC21.4 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  62. 70-86 Lynn Williams Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application- Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC21.3 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC21.3 - Malik - motion 1

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  63. Expanding Permitted Uses in Laneway and Garden Suites

    1. Majority required - PH14.13 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

  64. 5051-5061 Yonge Street - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Applications - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - DM20.1 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 17-4 (Yes)

  65. Advancing the Construction of Affordable Rental Homes at 777 Victoria Park Avenue

    1. Majority required - PH14.6 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

  66. Building a Permanent Safety Barrier Along the Leaside Bridge to Prevent Suicide Attempts

    1. Majority required - IE15.9 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE15.9 - Pasternak - motion 1

      Carried, 19-2 (Yes)

  67. Toronto Island Park Master Plan

    1. Majority required - IE15.2 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  68. Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Implementation Roundtable: Update

    1. Majority required - EC14.12 - Bravo - motion 1

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  69. Delegation of Development Review Related Authorities

    1. Majority required - EX16.20 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

  70. Medical - Office Facilities/Affordable-Seniors Residential Project in Continuum of Care Setting - Request for Minister’s Zoning Order at 4646 Dufferin Street

    1. Majority required - PH14.14 - Pasternak - motion 1

      Lost, 7-15 (No)

    2. Two-Thirds required - PH14.14 - Perks - motion 2

      Carried, 16-6 (Yes)

    3. Majority required

      Lost, 1-3 (Absent)

  71. Multi-Tenant Housing Framework: Parks Levy Exemption and Framework Application

    1. Majority required - MM20.30 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  72. Reducing Runoff and Mitigating Flooding

    1. Majority required - MM20.24 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM20.24 - Saxe - motion 4a

      Carried, 22-3 (Yes)

  73. Process for Award of Negotiable Request for Proposal Document Number 4053424337 for the Construction of Two New Fully Electric Ferry Vessels

    1. Majority required - GG14.8 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 20-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - GG14.8 - Chow - motion 2 - Re-vote

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - GG14.8 - Chow - motion 2

      Carried, 20-2 (No)

  74. Authorization to Release Section 37 Funds towards Public Realm and Streetscape Improvements related to "Manor Road Square" as prescribed in Official Plan Amendment 405 as a City-initiated Public Realm Move

    1. Majority required - MM20.33 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  75. Declaring April 11 to 17, 2025 as Black Maternal Health Week in the City of Toronto

    1. Majority required - MM20.32 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  76. Jurisdictional Research on Municipal Fiscal Frameworks

    1. Majority required - MM20.20 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM20.20 - Waive referral

      Carried, 22-2 (Yes)

  77. Welcome to Toronto, Taylor Swift!

    1. Majority required - MM20.3 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

  78. Single Exit Stair: Ontario Building Code Feasibility Study

    1. Majority required - PH14.7 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

  79. Call to Order

    1. Two-Thirds full Council required - Cheng - Introduce the Motion without notice

      Lost, 17-6 (Yes)

  80. Subway Agreement in Principle and Update on Metrolinx Subway Program - Third Quarter 2024

    1. Majority required - EX16.3 - McKelvie - motion 2

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX16.3 - Fletcher - motion 1

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

  81. Advancing the Transformation of Toronto's Housing Delivery

    1. Majority required - CC20.10 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  82. 100 Thorncliffe Park Drive - Development Charges Complaint

    1. Majority required - EX16.7 - Carroll - motion 1

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

  83. Ontario Science Centre Update

    1. Majority required - EX16.5 - Adopt the balance of the Item, as amended

      Carried, 19-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX16.5 - Adoption of Executive Committee Recommendation 1 part c, as amended, only

      Carried, 19-3 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EX16.5 - Cheng - motion 2, part 2 only

      Carried, 17-5 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - EX16.5 - Cheng - motion 2, part 1 only

      Carried, 12-10 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - EX16.5 - Ainslie - motion 1

      Carried, 18-4 (Yes)

  84. Governance, Community Benefits Plan, Legacy and Program Advisory Framework, FIFA Fan Festival

    1. Majority required - EX16.21 - Adoption of Executive Committee Recommendation 2 only

      Carried, 18-2 (Yes)

  85. Report on Councillor Frances Nunziata’s Use of Constituent Contact Information

    1. Majority required - CC20.7 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 14-0 (Absent)

  86. Report on Councillor Brad Bradford’s Use of Constituent Contact Information

    1. Majority required - CC20.8 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  87. 155 Antibes Drive - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - NY15.3 - Pasternak - motion 1a

      Carried, 19-4 (Yes)

  88. Review of the Order Paper

    1. Two-Thirds required - Extend the meeting

      Carried, 18-6 (No)

    2. Majority required - RM20.7 - Adopt the Order Paper as amended

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  89. Update on the Reallocation of Funding from the Provincial Upload of the F.G. Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway

    1. Majority required - EX16.2 - Holyday - motion 1 - Re-vote

      Lost, 2-22 (No)

    2. Majority required - EX16.2 - Holyday - motion 1

      Lost, 3-21 (No)

  90. Acceleration of the State of Good Repair Design-Build Contract for the F.G. Gardiner Expressway Rehabilitation Section 2 - Dufferin Street to Strachan Avenue and Enhanced Congestion Management Measures

    1. Majority required - EX16.1 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX16.1 - Bravo - motion 4

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EX16.1 - Holyday - motion 3

      Lost, 9-15 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - EX16.1 - Malik - motion 2

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - EX16.1 - Bradford - motion 1b

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - EX16.1 - Bradford - motion 1a - Re-vote

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    7. Majority required - EX16.1 - Bradford - motion 1a

      Carried, 19-5 (Yes)

  91. 1053 Don Mills Road, 2, 4, 4R, and 6 The Donway East Zoning By-law Amendment - Request for Direction Report

    1. Majority required - CC20.19 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  92. 39 Dundalk Drive Modular Housing

    1. Majority required - IA20.1 - Burnside - refer item

      Lost, 11-13 (Yes)

  93. 3291 Kingston Road and 2 and 4 Windy Ridge Drive - Rental Housing Demolition Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 5-1 (No)

  94. 135 Roxborough Drive - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property in the North Rosedale Heritage Conservation District

    1. Majority required - TE14.16 - Saxe - motion 2a

      Carried, 16-4 (Absent)

    2. Majority required - TE14.16 - Bradford - motion 1

      Lost, 7-13 (Absent)

  95. Cycling Network Plan - 2024 Cycling Infrastructure and Missing Sidewalk Installation - Third Quarter Update

    1. Majority required - IE14.4 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 19-2 (Absent)

    2. Majority required - IE14.4 - Holyday - motion 1

      Lost, 5-17 (Absent)

  96. Cycling Network Plan Update (2025 - 2027)

    1. Majority required - IE14.3 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 20-2 (Absent)

    2. Majority required - IE14.3 - Bradford - motion 5

      Carried, 19-3 (Absent)

    3. Majority required - IE14.3 - Holyday - motion 3c

      Lost, 9-13 (Absent)

    4. Majority required - IE14.3 - Holyday - motion 3b

      Lost, 9-13 (Absent)

    5. Majority required - IE14.3 - Holyday - motion 3a

      Carried, 22-0 (Absent)

    6. Majority required - IE14.3 - Morley - motion 1b Parts 1.b and 1.c only

      Carried, 19-3 (Absent)

    7. Majority required - IE14.3 - Holyday - motion 3e

      Lost, 3-19 (Absent)

    8. Majority required - IE14.3 - Holyday - motion 3d

      Lost, 4-17 (Absent)

  97. An Update on Work to Protect the Science Centre and Support Thorncliffe and Flemingdon Park

    1. Majority required - MM19.25 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM19.25 - Matlow - motion 1

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - MM19.25 - Chow - motion 2

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    4. Two-Thirds required - MM19.25 - Waive the referral

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

  98. Modular Housing Initiative Phase 2: Update Report, and Amendments to Purchase Order Numbers 6052027 and 6052881 issued to NRB Inc. for Design-Build Services for Supportive Housing

    1. Majority required - PH13.5 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

  99. Request to Rename an Existing or Planned Community Garden After the Late Estella Wheeler

    1. Majority required - MM19.7 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  100. Strengthening and Improving the City-Wide Approach to Youth Violence Interventions

    1. Majority required - MM19.11 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  101. Requesting Alignment of the Independent Electricity System Operator Integrated Regional Resource Plan with the City’s 2040 Target of Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    1. Majority required - MM19.9 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 20-4 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM19.9 - Waive the referral

      Carried, 18-5 (Yes)

  102. Supporting the City of Toronto in Joining the Strong Cities Network and Hosting a Future Strong Cities Summit in October 2025

    1. Majority required - MM19.8 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM19.8 - Pasternak - motion 1

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  103. Review of the Order Paper

    1. Two-Thirds required - RM19.7 - Amend the Order Paper

      Carried, 18-3 (Yes)

  104. The City’s Encampment Approach and Strategy

    1. Majority required - EC13.8 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EC13.8 - Moise - motion 1

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

  105. A Governance and Operational Review of Sankofa Square (formerly Yonge-Dundas Square)

    1. Majority required - EX15.4 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 17-6 (No)

    2. Majority required - EX15.4 - Bradford - motion 2

      Lost, 5-18 (No)

    3. Majority required - EX15.4 - Holyday - motion 1

      Lost, 5-18 (No)

  106. 222 Rosedale Heights Drive - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM19.34 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  107. Toronto International Pizza Festival

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM19.32 - Waive the referral

      Lost, 10-13 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM19.32 - Waive the notice

      Carried, 17-6 (Yes)

  108. Towards a Beautiful City

    1. Majority required - MM19 - 26 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 20-2 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM19.26 - Waive the referral

      Carried, 19-3 (Yes)

  109. Fostering Belonging, Community and Inclusion, and Combating Hate in Toronto

    1. Majority required - MM19.21 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  110. Request to Implement Measures for Mandatory Lead Disclosure and Mitigation in Multi-Residential Housing

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM19.19 - Waive the referral

      Lost, 5-18 (Yes)

  111. Honouring the Late Councillor Jaye Robinson by Naming a Landmark or Site in Don Valley West

    1. Majority required - MM19.6 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM19.6 - Waive the referral

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

  112. 14 Lacewood Crescent - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM19.2 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 21-1 (Absent)

  113. De Havilland 'Mossie' Park Underground Storage Tank

    1. Majority required - IE14.15 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  114. Villiers Island Precinct - City-Initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - PH13.2 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 21-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH13.2 - Bradford - motion 3

      Lost, 6-18 (No)

    3. Majority required

      Carried, 7-0 (Yes)

  115. Impact of Bill 165 and Gas Utility Use of Public Property in Toronto

    1. Majority required - IE14.9 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

  116. Jane Finch Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines - Final Report

    1. Majority required - EY14.1 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

  117. Jane Finch Community Development Plan 2024-2034

    1. Majority required - EC10.1 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  118. Community Housing Sector Modernization and Growth Strategy

    1. Majority required - PH13.9 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required

      Carried, 6-0 (Yes)

  119. Moss Park Arena - Governance and Operational Review

    1. Majority required - EX15.5 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 18-5 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX15.5 - Holyday - motion 1

      Lost, 6-17 (No)

  120. Advancing the Homelessness Services Capital Infrastructure Strategy (HSCIS) and the 2025 Shelter Infrastructure Plan

    1. Majority required - EX15.3 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX15.3 - Cheng - motion 2

      Carried, 21-3 (No)

    3. Majority required - EX15.3 - Holyday - motion 1

      Lost, 8-16 (No)

  121. 300 Borough Drive, 1755 Brimley Road, 400 to 580 Progress Avenue and 350 Town Centre Court - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC19.12 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 23-0 (Absent)

  122. On-Street Logistics Mini-Hub on St. George Street - Pilot Update and Next Steps

    1. Majority required - IE14.5 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  123. 2444 Eglinton Avenue East - Zoning Amendment - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - PH13.3 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required

      Carried, 7-0 (Yes)

    3. Majority required

      Carried, 7-0 (Yes)

  124. Renovictions Policy Implementation: Review of Hamilton Renovation Licence and Tenant Relocation By-law and developing a Toronto Renovictions By-law

    1. Majority required - PH13.7 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH13.7 - Fletcher - motion 1

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required

      Carried, 7-0 (Yes)

  125. Declaring the Office of Councillor, Ward 15 - Don Valley West Vacant and Filling the Vacancy

    1. Majority required - CC19.1 - Chow - motion 1

      Carried, 22-0 (Absent)

  126. Housing Action Plan: As-of-Right Zoning for Mid-rise Buildings on Avenues and Updated Rear Transition Performance Standards - Proposals Report

    1. Majority required

      Lost, 1-6 (No)

  127. 4201 to 4203 Kingston Road and 120 Galloway Road - Zoning Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 5-0 (Yes)

  128. Brimley Road and McNicoll Avenue - Intersection Safety Review

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 5-0 (Yes)

  129. Requesting the Province to Protect Small Businesses and Support Vibrant, Affordable, and Successful Mainstreets

    1. Majority required - MM18.24 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM18.24 - Waive referral

      Carried, 20-4 (Yes)

  130. Requesting the Province to Create Safety Zones Around Places of Worship, Faith-Based Schools and Vulnerable Community Social Infrastructure

    1. Majority required - MM18.16 - Matlow - motion 1

      Carried, 13-11 (Yes)

  131. Publicly Providing Receipts Before City Council Consideration of Expenses under the Members of Council Operations Policy

    1. Majority required - MM18.10 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  132. Official Plan Amendment 573 - Danforth Avenue - Planning Study (Segment 2 - Don Valley to Coxwell Avenue)

    1. Majority required - CC18.12 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

  133. 1117 Danforth Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - TE13.7 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

  134. 1095 and 1111 Danforth Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - TE13.6 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

  135. Taking Congestion Seriously - A Plan to Accelerate Construction of the Gardiner Expressway

    1. Majority required - MM18.5 - McKelvie - motion 1 Part b only

      Carried, 20-3 (Yes)

  136. eglintonTOday Phase 1 Complete Street Project: Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road

    1. Majority required - IE13.2 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE13.2 - Nunziata - motion 1

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

  137. Advancement of Professional Women’s Soccer in Toronto, and Seeking Proposals for Lamport Stadium

    1. Majority required - MM18.22 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  138. 1400 Gerrard Street East - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - TE13.8 - Fletcher - motion 1

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

  139. Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods: Major Streets Study - Final Report

    1. Majority required - PH12.3 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 21-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH12.3 - Chow - motion 1b - Re-vote

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - PH12.3 - Chow - motion 1b

      Carried, 22-2 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - PH12.3 - Crisanti - motion 6

      Lost, 4-20 (No)

    5. Majority required - PH12.3 - Ainslie - motion 5a

      Lost, 10-14 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - PH12.3 - Burnside - motion 4

      Lost, 7-17 (Yes)

    7. Majority required - PH12.3 - Holyday - motion 8b

      Lost, 5-19 (No)

    8. Majority required - PH12.3 - Chow - motion 1a

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    9. Majority required - PH12.3 - Holyday - motion 8c

      Lost, 3-21 (No)

    10. Majority required - PH12.3 - Holyday - motion 8a

      Lost, 4-20 (No)

    11. Majority required

      Lost, 3-3 (Yes)

    12. Majority required

      Lost, 1-5 (Yes)

  140. Request for Review of Governance and Operations for Moss Park Arena

    1. Majority required - MM18.20 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-3 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM18.20 - Waive referral

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

  141. Strengthening Our Cultural Event Investment Throughout the City

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM18.19 - Waive referral

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

  142. Equitable Funding and Distribution for Canada Day Events in All Community Council Areas for 2025

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM18.18 - Waive referral

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

  143. The Future of Visitor Parking

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM18.17 - Waive referral

      Lost, 15-9 (Yes)

  144. 1000 Mural Graffiti Removal Blitz

    1. Majority required - IE13.9 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  145. A Micromobility Strategy for Toronto

    1. Majority required - IE13.1 - Adopt the balance of Item, as amended

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE13.1 - Adoption of Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendation 12, as amended, only

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - IE13.1 - Adoption of Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendations 2, 3, 4, and 5 only

      Carried, 19-3 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - IE13.1 - Adoption of Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendation 1 only

      Carried, 19-3 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - IE13.1 - Perruzza - motion 5

      Carried, 13-9 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - IE13.1 - Holyday - motion 2

      Lost, 4-18 (No)

  146. 824 Sheppard Avenue West, 177, 179 and 181 Cocksfield Avenue - Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - NY13.3 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 13-3 (Yes)

  147. 2024 Local Arts Service Organization (LASO) Grant Allocation

    1. Majority required - EC12.4 - Cheng - motion 2

      Carried, 11-7 (Yes)

  148. Downsview Community Development Plan

    1. Majority required - EC12.2 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  149. Update Downsview: Secondary Plan, Zoning By-law, Urban Design Guidelines and Master Environmental Servicing Plan - Final Report

    1. Majority required - PH12.1 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  150. City of Toronto’s 2024 Corporate Asset Management Plan

    1. Majority required - EX14.6 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  151. City Comments on Proposed Bill 185 - Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024, Provincial Planning Statement 2024, and New Minister Zoning Order Framework

    1. Majority required - PH12.7 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH12.7 - Holyday - motion 1b

      Lost, 9-14 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - PH12.7 - Holyday - motion 1a

      Lost, 5-18 (Yes)

  152. Request a Review of Zoning Regulations to Restrict Outdoor Parking of Commercially Licensed Vehicles on Private Property in Residential Areas

    1. Majority required - PH12.8 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 21-3 (Yes)

  153. Report Back Regarding Item GG8.20 and Revisions to the Fair Wage Policy and Updating the Fair Wage Schedule to Include 2022-2024 Wage Rates

    1. Majority required - EX14.11 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  154. Yonge-Dundas Square Renaming Initiative

    1. Majority required - IA18.1 - Holyday - motion 1

      Carried, 11-10 (Yes)

  155. 123 Wynford Drive - Refusal of Application for Alterations to the Attributes and Demolition of a Building and Heritage Attributes on a Designated Heritage Property Under Part IV, Sections 33 and 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 8-0 (Absent)

  156. 171-175 Lowther Avenue - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - TE12.5 - Perks - motion 2

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - TE12.5 - Saxe - motion 1

      Lost, 4-15 (No)

  157. 30 Lakeside Avenue - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM17.25 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 17-1 (Yes)

  158. Response to Including New Approval Conditions for Rental Demolition Applications

    1. Majority required - PH11.10 - Adopt the balance of the Item, as amended

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH11.10 - Adoption of Planning and Housing Committee Recommendation 6 only

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - PH11.10 - Adoption of Planning and Housing Committee Recommendation 3.b. only

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - PH11.10 - Moise - motion 1

      Carried, 20-0 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - PH11.10 - Perks - motion 2

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

  159. Large Multi-Passenger Pedalled Vehicles (Quadricycles) Pilot

    1. Majority required - EC11.3 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

  160. Our Plan Toronto: Official Plan Chapter One - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - PH11.2 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

  161. Re-opening and Amending Item 2023.TE7.91- Altering Turning Restrictions at Old Forest Hill Road and Eglinton Avenue West

    1. Majority required - MM17.8 - Parts 1 and 2 only

      Carried, 14-1 (Absent)

  162. 2024 Education Property Tax Levy and Clawback Rate By-Law

    1. Majority required - EX13.8 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX13.8 - Perruzza - motion 1

      Lost, 7-15 (No)

  163. The Somali Centre for Culture and Recreation

    1. Majority required - EX13.4 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX13.4 - Holyday - motion 1d

      Lost, 1-22 (No)

    3. Majority required - EX13.4 - Holyday - motion 1c

      Lost, 2-21 (No)

    4. Majority required - EX13.4 - Holyday - motion 1a - Re-Vote

      Lost, 2-22 (No)

    5. Majority required - EX13.4 - Holyday - motion 1a

      Lost, 3-20 (No)

  164. Call to Order

    1. Two-Thirds required - Chow - Extend the meeting

      Carried, 15-6 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - Chow - Extend the meeting

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

  165. Alcohol in Parks Pilot: Evaluation Findings

    1. Majority required - EC11.4 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 20-4 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EC11.4 - Perruzza - motion 11

      Lost, 10-13 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EC11.4 - Thompson - motion 10

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - EC11.4 - Bravo - motion 9

      Carried, 20-3 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - EC11.4 - Ainslie - motion 8

      Carried, 20-2 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - EC11.4 - Crisanti - motion 7

      Lost, 10-12 (Yes)

    7. Majority required - EC11.4 - Holyday - motion 6c

      Lost, 10-12 (Yes)

    8. Majority required - EC11.4 - Morley - motion 5

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

    9. Majority required - EC11.4 - Nunziata - motion 4

      Lost, 11-12 (Yes)

    10. Majority required - EC11.4 - Pasternak - motion 3

      Lost, 11-12 (Yes)

    11. Majority required - EC11.4 - Bradford - motion 2

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    12. Majority required - EC11.4 - Holyday - motion 6b

      Lost, 7-15 (No)

    13. Majority required - EC11.4 - Holyday - motion 6a

      Lost, 6-16 (No)

  166. RentSafeTO Program Update Report

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required

      Carried, 7-0 (Yes)

    3. Majority required

      Carried, 7-0 (Yes)

  167. Cycling Network Plan: 2024 Cycling Infrastructure Installation - Second Quarter Update and Missing Sidewalk Program - 2024 Local Road Sidewalk Installations

    1. Majority required - Adoption of balance of the item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE12.4 - Adoption of Part 1.f. only

      Carried, 20-2 (Yes)

  168. 1111 Danforth Avenue - Notice of Intention to Designate a Property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act

    1. Majority required - PH11.13 - Fletcher - motion 1

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

  169. Portlands Energy Centre: Request for Environmental Assessment

    1. Majority required - MM17.9 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM17.9 - Waive the referral

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  170. Immediate Actions to Address the 2023 Taxation Year of the Vacant Home Tax

    1. Majority required - CC17.1 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC17.1 - Crisanti - motion 3a

      Lost, 5-18 (Absent)

  171. Increase in Penalty Amounts for Parking Offences and Establishment of New Electric Vehicle Parking Offences for Off-Street Parking Facilities

    1. Majority required - IE11.2 - Matlow - motion 1

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE11.2 - McKelvie - motion 2

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

  172. 4884-4896 Dundas Street West - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC17.7 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  173. 4888 Dundas Street West - Alteration of a Property Designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC17.6 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  174. Post-Transition of the Blue Box Program to Extended Producer Responsibility and Results of District 2 Service Delivery Options Review

    1. Majority required - IE12.1 - Adoption of Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendations 8, 9, and 10 only

      Carried, 23-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE12.1 - Thompson - motion 2

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - IE12.1 - Chow - motion 1c

      Carried, 23-3 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - IE12.1 - Chow - motion 1b

      Carried, 23-3 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - IE12.1 - Chow - motion 1a

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

  175. An Overview of Student Nutrition Program

    1. Majority required - EX13.1 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

  176. Burnhamthorpe Road - Speed Limit Amendment

    1. Majority required - EY12.17 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-2 (Yes)

  177. Longbourne Drive - Introduction of Overnight On-Street Permit Parking Area 11

    1. Majority required - EY12.16 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  178. New Island, New Beginnings: Furthering Reconciliation and an Indigenous Cultural Framework for the Port Lands

    1. Majority required - EX13.5 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  179. Short-Term Rental By-law Implementation Update

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 6-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required

      Carried, 6-1 (Yes)

  180. 374, 376 and 378 Yonge Street - Approval of Application for Alterations to Designated Heritage Properties Under Part IV, Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 7-2 (Absent)

  181. 4888 Dundas Street West - Alteration of a Property Designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 9-1 (Absent)

  182. 171 Lowther Avenue - Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 7-3 (Absent)

  183. 650 (650A and 652) and 664 Yonge Street - Alterations to Heritage Properties, Demolition of Attributes and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 9-0 (Absent)

  184. 294, 306 and 318 Lawrence Avenue East and 101 Mildenhall Road - Notice of Intention to Designate a Property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 8-0 (Absent)

  185. 64 Woodlawn Avenue West - Refusal of Repeal of Designating By-law under Section 32 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Proposed Amendment to Designating By-law under Part IV, Section 30.1 of the Ontario Heritage Act

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 8-2 (Absent)

  186. 36-42 Maitland Street - Alterations to Heritage Properties, Demolition of Attributes and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 9-0 (Absent)

  187. 68 Wellesley Street East - Refusal of Application for Alterations to Designated Heritage Properties Under Part IV, Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 9-0 (Absent)

  188. Use of Nathan Phillips Square for Various Events - May 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024

    1. Majority required - TE11.29 - Fletcher - motion 1b

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - TE11.29 - Fletcher - motion 1a

      Carried, 20-2 (Yes)

  189. Authority to Accept an In-Kind Donation and Enter into an Agreement with Pride Toronto for Hanlan's Point Rainbow Road

    1. Majority required - MM16.24 - Adopt the item - REVOTE

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM16.24 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  190. Urgent Action on the Auto Theft Crisis

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM16.48 - Reconsider the item

      Carried, 17-4 (Yes)

  191. Re-opening and Amending Item MM14.16 - Summit to Solve the Epidemic of Criminal Break-and-Enters Against Small Business in the City of Toronto

    1. Majority required - MM16.50 - Adopt the item - Part 2 only

      Carried, 14-6 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM16.50 - Re-open the item 2024.MM14.16

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  192. Authorization to Release Section 42 Funds to Amend the 2024-2033 Capital Budget and Plan for Parks, Forestry and Recreation to Advance Hanlan’s Beach Priority Initiatives in Ward 10

    1. Majority required - MM16.25 - Malik - motion 1

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

  193. Eliminating Education Development Charges on Missing Middle Housing Forms

    1. Majority required - PH10.13 - Bradford - motion 1

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  194. Supporting New Long-Term Care Beds in North York

    1. Majority required - PH10.11 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  195. Response to EC6.9 - Incident and Operational Review of Serious Dog Attacks

    1. Majority required - EC10.2 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  196. New Multi-Tenant Houses Renovation Program to Preserve and Improve Affordable Rental Homes

    1. Majority required - PH10.2 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 19-2 (Yes)

  197. Authority to Donate Surplus Vehicles

    1. Majority required - MM16.19 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  198. Clarification on Municipal Licensing and Standards Poster Enforcement Policies and By-laws - Rules Governing Affixing and Removing of Posters

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM16.15 - Waive referral

      Lost, 12-11 (No)

  199. Re-Opening and Amending Item 2023.IE7.4 on Updates on Vision Zero Road Safety Initiatives to Allow Optional Polling for Traffic

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM16.14 - Re-open the item 2023.IE7.4

      Lost, 10-13 (Yes)

  200. Night Economy Manifesto

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM16.4 - Waive referral

      Lost, 11-14 (Yes)

  201. Long-Term Financial Plan Update: Leveraging City-Wide Real Estate Opportunities for Affordable Housing, Complete Communities and Financial Sustainability

    1. Majority required - EX12.4 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX12.4 - Fletcher - motion 2

      Carried, 20-2 (Yes)

  202. 72 Church Avenue - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - NY11.2 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

  203. Technical Corrections to the Multi-tenant Housing Zoning By-law

    1. Majority required - PH10.12 - Perks - motion 1

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  204. Extending the Declaration Date for the Vacant Home Tax for the 2023 Taxation Year

    1. Two-Thirds required - EX12.9 - End the debate

      Carried, 20-3 (Yes)

  205. Prioritization of Planned Higher-Order Transit Projects

    1. Majority required - EX12.5 - Pasternak - motion 3

      Carried, 20-5 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX12.5 - Holyday - motion 2

      Carried, 16-9 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EX12.5 - Crisanti - motion 1

      Lost, 12-13 (Yes)

  206. Update on Hosting FIFA World Cup 2026

    1. Majority required - EX12.2 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX12.2 - Cheng - motion 9

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EX12.2 - Perks - motion 7

      Carried, 20-5 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - EX12.2 - Saxe - motion 6

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - EX12.2 - Bravo - motion 3

      Carried, 19-5 (Yes)

  207. 78, 80 and 86 Mimico Avenue - Notice of Intention to Designate a Property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act

    1. Majority required - PH9.12 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 15-10 (No)

  208. 1053 Don Mills Road, 2, 4, 4R, and 6 The Donway East Zoning By-law Amendment, Plan of Subdivision, and Site Plan Applications - Appeal Report

    1. Majority required - NY11.6 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  209. Renaming of Dundas Toronto Transit Commission Stations

    1. Two-Thirds required - IA16.2 - Saxe - Re-open Item MM13.29

      Lost, 13-10 (Yes)

  210. 49 and 51 Yonge Street - Alterations to Heritage Properties, Demolition of Heritage Attributes and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement

    1. Majority required

      Lost, 4-5 (Absent)

  211. 1779-1787 Bayview Avenue - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control Applications - Heritage Matters

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 8-0 (Absent)

  212. 625 Yonge Street (Including 627, 629, 631, 633, 635 and 637 Yonge Street and 1, 3 and 5 Isabella Street) - Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 8-0 (Absent)

  213. 6 and 8 Cawthra Square - Notice of Intention to Designate a Property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 8-0 (Absent)

    2. Majority required

      Carried, 8-0 (Absent)

  214. 4566 and 4568 Kingston Road - Zoning Amendment, Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 5-0 (Yes)

  215. Metrolinx Scarborough Subway Extension - Time Extension of Temporary Sidewalk Closure on McCowan Road

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 3-1 (Yes)

  216. Budget Implementation Including Property Tax Rates, User Fees and Related Matters

    1. Majority required - Balance of the Item as Amended

      Carried, 26-0 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - Second Re-Vote Parts 1-5 only

      Carried, 18-8 (Yes)

    3. Two-Thirds required - Re-Vote Parts 1-5 only

      Carried, 19-7 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - Parts 1-5 only

      Carried, 16-10 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - CC15.1 - Holyday - Motion 10d

      Lost, 11-15 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - CC15.1 - Holyday - Motion 10c

      Lost, 7-19 (No)

    7. Majority required - CC15.1 - Holyday - Motion 10b

      Lost, 8-18 (No)

    8. Majority required - CC15.1 - Holyday - Motion 10a Re-Vote

      Lost, 3-23 (No)

    9. Majority required - CC15.1 - Holyday - Motion 10a

      Lost, 5-21 (No)

    10. Majority required - CC15.1 - Burnside - Balance of Motion 7

      Carried, 21-5 (Yes)

    11. Majority required - CC15.1 - Burnside - Motion 7 Part a only

      Lost, 10-16 (No)

    12. Majority required - CC15.1 - Bravo - Motion 6b

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    13. Majority required - CC15.1 - Ainslie - Motion 4 - Part 1 only

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

    14. Majority required - CC15.1 - Moise - Motion 3

      Carried, 26-0 (Yes)

    15. Majority required - CC15.1 - Bradford - Motion 5

      Lost, 4-22 (No)

  217. 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets

    1. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Carroll - Motion 10c

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Carroll - Motion 10b - Re-Vote

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Carroll - Motion 10b

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Carroll - Motion 10a

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Holyday - Motion 9d

      Lost, 2-24 (No)

    6. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Myers - Motion 8

      Carried, 26-0 (Yes)

    7. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Crisanti - Motion 7 - Re-Vote

      Lost, 6-20 (No)

    8. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Crisanti - Motion 7

      Lost, 7-19 (No)

    9. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Bradford - Motion 6b

      Lost, 6-20 (No)

    10. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Bradford - Motion 6a

      Lost, 7-19 (No)

    11. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Cheng - Motion 5

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    12. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Saxe - Motion 4b

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

    13. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Saxe - Motion 4a

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    14. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Bravo - Motion 3

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

    15. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Ainslie - Motion 2b

      Carried, 23-3 (Yes)

    16. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Ainslie - Motion 2a

      Carried, 26-0 (Yes)

    17. Majority required - MPB15.1 - Morley - Motion 1

      Carried, 21-5 (Yes)

  218. Going with the Snow - Returning Tobogganing to 45 Hills Across Toronto

    1. Majority required - MM14.9 - Bradford - motion 1

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM14.9 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 21-3 (Yes)

  219. Call to Order

    1. Majority required - MM14.9 - Holyday - motion to resolve to Committee of Whole

      Carried, 16-10 (No)

    2. Majority required - EC9.4 - Perruzza - Motion to Resolve to Committee of Whole

      Lost, 8-17 (No)

  220. 3585 and 3595 St. Clair Avenue East, 636 to 646 and 641 to 663 Danforth Road, and 411 and 415 Kennedy Road - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision - Request for Direction

    1. Majority required - CC14.10 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 24-2 (No)

    2. Majority required - CC14.10 - Kandavel - motion 1 - REVOTE

      Carried, 26-0 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - CC14.10 - Kandavel - motion 1

      Carried, 25-1 (No)

  221. Delivering Improved Accessibility: Bike Share Toronto's Modernized Rate Structure Update

    1. Majority required - IE10.6 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

  222. 3 Swift Drive - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - NY10.5 - Carroll - motion 2

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - NY10.5 - Carroll - motion 1

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  223. Cycling Network Plan: 2024 Cycling Infrastructure Installation - First Quarter Update

    1. Majority required - IE10.2 - Adopt the Item as amended - REVOTE

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE10.2 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 21-2 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - IE10.2 - Perruzza - motion 1

      Carried, 19-4 (Yes)

  224. Bike Lanes that are Safe and Passable for Bikes

    1. Majority required - IE10.3 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

  225. Implementation Review of the Noise By-law

    1. Majority required - EC9.5 - Bradford - motion 1

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EC9.5 - Saxe - motion 2

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

  226. Highway 401 Overpass Safety

    1. Majority required - IE10.7 - Holyday - motion 2 - REVOTE

      Carried, 18-6 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE10.7 - Holyday - motion 2

      Carried, 16-8 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - IE10.7 - Pasternak - motion 1

      Carried, 13-11 (No)

  227. No More Subsidies for New Gas Pipelines that Drive Up Torontonians’ Energy Costs

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM14.4 - Waive referral

      Lost, 14-12 (Yes)

  228. Tax Fairness for All: An Equitable Approach to the Residential Property Tax Rate on Toronto Island

    1. Two-Thirds required - MM14.4 - Waive referral

      Lost, 11-15 (Yes)

  229. Ready, Set, Midtown: Zoning Review - City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendments for Select Lands Designated Apartment Neighbourhoods - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - PH9.1 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  230. Homelessness Services Capital Infrastructure Strategy: Real Estate Strategy and Lease Extensions

    1. Majority required - EC9.4 - Adoption of the balance of the Item

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EC9.4 - Adoption of Economic and Community Development Committee Recommendation 1 only

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EC9.4 - Thompson - Motion 2

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - EC9.4 - Mantas - motion 1 - REVOTE

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - EC9.4 - Mantas - motion 1

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - EC9.4 - Perruzza - motion 3 - Part 2 of Confidential Attachment only

      Lost, 2-23 (No)

    7. Majority required - EC9.4 - Perruzza - motion 3 - Part 1 of Confidential Attachment only

      Lost, 2-23 (No)

  231. Administrative Penalty System for Red Light Camera and Automated Speed Enforcement Violations

    1. Majority required - IE10.1 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 26-0 (Yes)

  232. Finch West Light Rail Transit: Train Operating and Services Term Sheet

    1. Majority required - EX11.7 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

  233. Municipal Non-Resident Speculation Tax on Foreign Buyers of Residential Property

    1. Majority required - EX11.1 - Adopt the Item

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

  234. Balanced Approach to Distributing Legislative Meeting Materials

    1. Majority required - DM14.2 - Adopt the Item

      Lost, 10-15 (No)

    2. Majority required - DM14.2 - Holyday - motion 3

      Lost, 3-20 (No)

    3. Majority required - DM14.2 - McKelvie - motion 1b

      Lost, 10-12 (No)

  235. Reimbursement of Cities Forum 2023 Conference Expenses, Torino, Italy

    1. Majority required - DM14.1 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 21-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - DM14.1 - Fletcher - motion 1

      Carried, 23-1 (Yes)

  236. RapidTO: Surface Transit Network Plan

    1. Majority required - EX11.8 - Adopt the Item as amended

      Carried, 23-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX11.8 - Crisanti - motion 6

      Carried, 22-4 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EX11.8 - Perruzza - motion 4 REVOTE

      Lost, 9-17 (No)

    4. Majority required - EX11.8 - Perruzza - motion 4

      Lost, 10-16 (No)

    5. Majority required - EX11.8 - Ainslie - motion 3

      Carried, 24-2 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - EX11.8 - Holyday - motion 2b

      Lost, 2-24 (No)

    7. Majority required - EX11.8 - Chow - motion 1

      Carried, 23-3 (Yes)

    8. Majority required - EX11.8 - Holyday - motion 2a

      Lost, 4-21 (No)

  237. 4884-4896 Dundas Street West - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Appeal Report

    1. Majority required - EY10.5

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  238. 717 - 733 Mount Pleasant Road - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Ontario Land Tribunal

    1. Majority required - MM14.17 - Adopt the Item as it pertains to the interest declared by Councillor Bradford

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

  239. Fraternities should not be exempt from the Multi-Tenant Housing Bylaw

    1. Majority required

      Lost, 1-5 (Absent)

  240. 54-62 Glen Everest Road - Rental Housing Demolition Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required

      Carried, 3-2 (Yes)

  241. 2031 Kennedy Road - Zoning Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

    1. Majority required - Recorded vote requested by Councillor Thompson

      Carried, 4-0 (Yes)

  242. Introduction of General Bills and Confirming Bills

    1. Majority required - BL13.1 - Introduce and pass the confirmatory bill

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - BL13.1 - Carroll - motion 8

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - BL13.1 - Introduce and pass the confirmatory bill

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - BL13.1 - Perks - motion 6

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - BL13.1 - Perks - motion 5

      Carried, 20-0 (Yes)

  243. Call to Order

    1. Majority required - Thompson - Defer the items

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - Thompson - Extend the meeting

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    3. Two-Thirds required - McKelvie - Extend the meeting

      Carried, 15-6 (Yes)

    4. Majority required

      Carried, 22-2 (Yes)

  244. Reimbursement of Cities Forum 2023 Conference Expenses, Torino, Italy

    1. Majority required - MM13.8 - Thompson - motion 1

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - MM13.8 - Waive referral

      Carried, 22-3 (Yes)

  245. Conveyance of Parkland - 2150 and 2194 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road

    1. Majority required - MM13.24 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  246. 8-26 Jopling Avenue South - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM13.14 - Adopt the item

      Lost, 3-17 (No)

  247. Supporting Purpose Built Rental Homes in Etobicoke North

    1. Majority required - PH8.23 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 17-4 (Yes)

  248. Council Member Appointments to the City-School Boards Advisory Committee

    1. Majority required - ST4.1 - Malik - motion 1

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

  249. Re-Opening and Amending Item MM11.34 - Opening City Hall - Regarding the Terms of Reference for the City-School Boards Advisory Committee

    1. Majority required - MM13.35 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds full Council required - MM13.35 - Introduce the motion without notice

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  250. 250 Wincott Drive and 4620 Eglinton Avenue West - Authority to Amend Section 37 Agreement to Reflect the Minor Variance Decision of the Committee of Adjustment

    1. Majority required - CC13.10 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC13.10 - Holyday - motion 1

      Carried, 17-4 (Yes)

  251. Update and Action Plan on the Single-Use and Takeaway Items Reduction Strategy, including the Circular Food Innovators Fund

    1. Majority required - IE9.3 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - IE9.3 - Morley - Motion 3b

      Carried, 21-3 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - IE9.3 - Holyday - Motion 2

      Carried, 21-3 (No)

    4. Majority required - IE9.3 - McKelvie - Motion 1b

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - IE9.3 - McKelvie - Motion 1a

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - IE9.3 - Morley - Motion 3a - Part 2 only

      Carried, 19-3 (Yes)

  252. Renaming the Stadium at Centennial Park

    1. Majority required - MM13.11 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 17-6 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM13.11 - Morley - motion 1

      Lost, 5-18 (No)

    3. Two-Thirds required - MM13.11 - End the debate

      Carried, 18-4 (Yes)

    4. Two-Thirds required - MM13.11 - Waive referral

      Carried, 19-6 (Yes)

  253. Crisis Looms as Aging Booms: Creating a Path Forward to Age in Place

    1. Majority required - MM13.13 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM13.13 - Matlow - motion 1

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  254. Housing Action Plan: Zoning By-law Simplification and Modernization for Low-rise Residential Zones - Phase 1 Final Report

    1. Majority required - PH8.3 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

  255. Proposed Building Emissions Performance Reporting By-Law

    1. Majority required - IE9.5 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 19-4 (Yes)

  256. Eastbound F.G. Gardiner Expressway and Northbound Don Valley Parkway Closures - 2024 Toronto Triathlon Festival

    1. Majority required - IE9.1 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

  257. 4174 Dundas Street West - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC13.23 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC13.23 - Holyday - motion 1a

      Carried, 20-0 (Yes)

  258. Amendments to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 667: Rental Demolition and Conversion By-law

    1. Majority required - PH8.16 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH8.16 - Saxe - Motion 1

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  259. Updates to the Constituency Services and Office Budget Policy

    1. Majority required - EX10.12 - Fletcher - Motion 2

      Carried, 21-1 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EX10.12 - Nunziata - Motion 3

      Lost, 5-17 (No)

    3. Majority required - EX10.12 - Holyday - Motion 1

      Lost, 3-19 (No)

  260. Request for City Planning to Launch the Glencairn Subway Station Planning Study

    1. Majority required - MM13.32 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  261. Display of 988 Crisis Line Information Poster

    1. Majority required - MM13.33 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  262. 55 Yeomans Road - Inclusion on the Heritage Register

    1. Majority required - NY9.4 - Carroll - Motion 3

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

    2. Two-Thirds required - NY9.4 - Carroll - Motion 2

      Carried, 22-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - NY9.4 - Carroll - Motion 2

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - NY9.4 - Pasternak - Motion 1

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  263. Non-Competitive Contract with N. Barry Lyon Consultants for Multi-Tenant Housing Land Economics Study

    1. Majority required - GG8.14 - Ainslie - motion 1

      Carried, 20-2 (Absent)

  264. Recommended Amendments to Zoning By-laws for Bars, Restaurants and Entertainment Venues as part of the Night Economy Review - Final Report

    1. Majority required - PH8.2 - Ainslie - Motion 5

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - PH8.2 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - PH8.2 - Holyday - Motion 4

      Lost, 6-19 (No)

    4. Majority required - PH8.2 - Kandavel - Motion 3

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - PH8.2 - Bradford - Motion 2

      Carried, 24-1 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - PH8.2 - Morley - Motion 1

      Carried, 23-2 (Yes)

  265. Supporting the Growth of the Night Economy

    1. Majority required - EX8.14 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 22-3 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EC8.14 - Carroll - Motion 2

      Carried, 21-4 (Yes)

  266. Cummer Station - Response to Council Motions

    1. Majority required - EX10.16 - Cheng - Motion 1

      Carried, 20-0 (Yes)

  267. Operating Variance Report for the Nine Months Ended Sept 30, 2023

    1. Majority required - EX10.9 - Carroll - Motion 1

      Carried, 19-2 (Yes)

  268. Advancing Generational Transformation of Toronto's Housing System - Aligning Housing Mandates and Strategic Efforts

    1. Majority required - EX10.2 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 19-1 (Yes)

  269. Toronto Fire Services 2022 Annual Report

    1. Majority required - EC8.8 - Fletcher - Motion 2

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - EC8.8 - Holyday - Motion 1b

      Lost, 6-15 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - EC8.8 - Holyday - Motion 1a

      Lost, 7-14 (Yes)

  270. 413 The Kingsway - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

    1. Majority required - MM13.15 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 12-7 (No)

  271. Confronting the Legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: Renaming Civic Assets Bearing the Henry Dundas Name

    1. Majority required - MM13.29 - Adoption of Recommendation 3 as amended only

      Carried, 17-4 (No)

    2. Majority required - MM13.29 - Adoption of Recommendation 2 as amended only

      Carried, 19-2 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - MM13.29 - Adoption of Recommendation 1 only

      Carried, 19-2 (Yes)

    4. Majority required - MM13.29 - Colle - motion 4

      Carried, 21-0 (Yes)

    5. Majority required - MM13.29 - Myers - motion 2

      Carried, 20-1 (Yes)

    6. Majority required - MM13.29 - Holyday - motion 1

      Lost, 5-16 (No)

    7. Two-Thirds full Council required - MM13.29 - Moise - Introduce the Motion without notice

      Carried, 22-2 (Yes)

  272. 975 Danforth Avenue - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

    1. Majority required - CC13.17 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 20-5 (Yes)

  273. Uber Litigation Regarding Limit on Number of Private Transportation Company Driver Licences

    1. Majority required - CC13.7 - Bravo - motion 2

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - CC13.7 - Chow - motion 1

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

    3. Majority required - CC13.7 - Bradford - motion 3

      Lost, 3-21 (No)

  274. Silent Nights and Peaceful Days - Providing relief to residents from Metrolinx’s Whistle Sounding at Manse Road Rail Crossing on the Lakeshore East Corridor

    1. Majority required - MM13.31 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 25-0 (Yes)

  275. Federal Rapid Housing Initiative - Program Update and Phase Three Implementation

    1. Two-Thirds required - PH8.11 - Crisanti - Motion 1

      Lost, 9-16 (Yes)

  276. Federal Housing Accelerator Fund - Supporting Generational Transformation of Toronto’s Housing System

    1. Majority required - MM13.27 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-2 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - MM13.27 - Bradford - motion 2

      Carried, 20-4 (No)

  277. 321 Davenport Road - Construction Staging Area

    1. Majority required - TE9.42 - Saxe - Motion 1

      Carried, 22-2 (Yes)

  278. Advancing Eglinton East Light Rail Transit

    1. Majority required - EX10.17 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 23-0 (Yes)

  279. 685 Lake Shore Boulevard East - Applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control - Appeal Report

    1. Majority required - TE9.27 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 22-0 (Yes)

  280. Review of the Order Paper

    1. Two-Thirds required - RM13.7 - Chow - Amend the Order Paper

      Lost, 14-9 (Yes)

    2. Majority required - RM13.7 - Bradford - motion 3

      Lost, 3-20 (No)

    3. Two-Thirds required - RM13.7 - Fletcher - motion 2

      Carried, 22-4 (Yes)

    4. Two-Thirds required - RM13.7 - Ainslie - Amend the Order Paper

      Carried, 20-3 (Yes)

  281. Ontario-Toronto New Deal Agreement

    1. Majority required - CC13.2 - Adopt the item as amended

      Carried, 24-0 (Yes)

  282. Balanced Approach to Distributing Legislative Meeting Materials

    1. Majority required - MM13.17 - Thompson - motion 1

      Carried, 18-1 (Yes)

  283. Birchmount Road and Chaldean Street/Glendower Circuit - Pedestrian Crossing Protection

    1. Majority required - CC9.9 - Adopt the item

      Carried, 25-1 (Yes)

  284. Renaming Dundas Street

    1. Majority required - IA13.1 - Refer the item

      Lost, 11-15 (No)

  285. Wilson Avenue and Maniza Road - Traffic Control Signals

    1. Majority required - NY9.2 - Pasternak - Motion 1

      Carried, 22-4 (Yes)